Saturday, March 03, 2007

u turn

The next couple of weeks I will try to keep up with the world in a foreign language here on my blog. This gives a hell of a lot more people the oppurtunity to get inside my little brain and play with all the elfs that run around in perfect harmony between my ears.
I'll be back tomorrow with another edition of my world. We'll see if this works.


Anonymous said...

me like alot
english is the language of love and prosperity and also the mother tongue of the spice girls

Anonymous said...

Kanntu pólsku ? Ég skil orðið smá hrafl í henni eftir bústetu hér á Íslandinu pólska.....

Anonymous said...

Hey, what happend to all the blogging?? :)

Greetings from Ålborg - the city with constant rain!

Balli said...

herna er linkurinn sem ég sagði þér frá

kv, Balli